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Electrical & Utility

Working in the electrical and utility sector comes with a number of potential hazards. One of the most common hazards is arc flash.

An electrical arc causes a sudden release of energy. This can result in serious skin burn injuries. Power generation, maintenance, electrical company, and other common duties can all pose risks to workers on a daily basis.


That’s why workers in this sector must wear arc flash clothing properly that meets safety standards such as IEC 61482-2, ASTM F1959, and NFPA 70E. The ASTM F1903 standard is commonly used to predict burn injury by using an instrumented manikin.

At WOKI, we offer a range of EN and ASTM certified fabrics that will protect against arc flash hazards. Our innovative blends provide lightweight protection, incorporation of Lenzing FR or Lyocell fibers to achieve superior comfort with moisture management

Get your cost-effective solution with WOKI® inherent FR protection

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